Meet the Buyer North 2021 Agenda


The Supplier Development Programme has announced the draft agenda for Meet the Buyer North 2021 to be held virtually on 7 September. The virtual portal and exhibitions will be open to all registered suppliers from 10:00am - 4:00pm.

If you miss a presentation, many of the presentations listed in this agenda will be available within the virtual portal as "on-demand" videos, with the exception of "live Q&A" sessions as denoted. The final films will be available on the SDP YouTube Channel following the conclusion of the event, so be sure to 'subscribe'!

The agenda is subject to change at any point, without notice.


10:00am Meet the Buyer North 2021 Opens

  • Keynote Address by SDP in the Highlands and Islands, delivered by Diane Beattie, Moray Council Payments Manager and Fiona Conti, Strategic Procurement Manager at Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City and Highland Council Shared Procurement Service, followed by an informal virtual coffee chat

10:10am Ministerial Address (Subject to Parliamentary Business)

  • Welcome from Ivan McKee MSP, Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism & Enterprise

There will be two themed virtual stages at Meet the Buyer North 2021, each with a slightly different timetable, with time for visiting the virtual Exhibit Hall. Please click each title below for more information.

Power of Procurement Stage

10:15am Scottish Procurement Alliance

  • Address by Lesley Anderson, Head of SPA Procurement
  • Live Q&A session
    • Lesley Anderson, Head of SPA Procurement
    • Graham Collie, SPA Technical Support Manager

11:15am Social Security Scotland

  • Presentation by Natalie McCrindle, Social Security Scotland’s Head of Procurement & Commercial
  • Live Q&A session
    • Natalie McCrindle, Head of Procurement & Commercial, Social Security Scotland

11:45am Procurement Opportunities in the Highlands and Islands – from Growth Deals to the Final Frontier

  • Presentation by Dr Stuart Black, Moray Area Manager at Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)
  • Live Q&A session
    • Dr Stuart Black, Moray Area Manager at Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)

12:15pm Top Tips for Tendering with the Supplier Development Programme Interactive Workshop

  • Presentation by Gill Joy on behalf of the Supplier Development Programme
  • Live Q&A session
    • Gillian Cameron, SDP Programme Manager
    • Julie Caughey, Caughey Solutions
    • Gill Joy, Intend Business Development
    • John Clark, JI Management Ltd

12:45pm Visit the Exhibit Hall

2:00pm Elevator and Business Gateway

  • Address by Kirstie McLaughlin and Fiona McLellan, Elevator UK & Business Gateway
  • Live Q&A session
    • Kirstie McLaughin, Operations Manager, Elevator/Business Gateway
    • Fiona McLellan, Contracts Manager, Business Gateway Tayside

2:30pm Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool

  • Address by Triona Tiernan, Associate Directory, Scottish Futures Trust
  • Live Q&A session
    • Triona Tiernan, Associate Directory, Scottish Futures Trust

Let's Do Net Zero Stage

11:00am Circular Economy, Fair Work First & Net Zero with the Shared Procurement Service

  • Presentation by Stuart Calderwood, Community Benefits & Sustainable Procurement Manager, Aberdeenshire, City and Highland Councils, and Emily Stone, Climate and Sustainability Business Development Manager, Edinburgh Science
  • Live Q&A session
    • Stuart Calderwood, Community Benefits & Sustainable Procurement Manager, Aberdeenshire, City and Highland Council
    • Emily Stone, Edinburgh Science Climate
    • Lynn Anderson, Manager Living Wage Scotland
    • Gillian Cameron, SDP Programme Manager

11:45am Growing Community Wealth: The Role of Suppliers

  • Presentation by Neil McInroy, Community Wealth Building Adviser to Scottish Government

12:15pm Top Tips for Tendering with the Supplier Development Programme Interactive Workshop

  • Presentation by Gill Joy on behalf of the Supplier Development Programme
  • Live Q&A session
    • Gillian Cameron, SDP Programme Manager
    • Julie Caughey, Caughey Solutions
    • Gill Joy, Intend Business Development
    • John Clark, JI Management Ltd

12:45pm Visit the virtual exhibition hall

2:00pm Sustainable Food Places, and Granite City Good Food, the Sustainable Food Places Partnership in Aberdeen

  • Presentation by Martin Carle, Sustainable Food Coordinator, CFINE
  • Live Q&A session
    • Martin Carle, Sustainable Food Coordinator, CFINE

2:30pm Zero Waste Scotland

  • Presentation by Steven Menzies, Head of Procurement and Grants, Zero Waste Scotland
  • Live Q&A session
    • Steven Menzies, Head of Procurement and Grants, Zero Waste Scotland

3:00pm Change for Climate: Five Steps to Net Zero

  • Presentation by David Kelly, Policy Manager, SCDI
  • Live Q&A session
    • Clare Reid, Director of Policy, Public Affairs, SCDI Scottish Council for Development and Industry
    • Daniel Gotts, Policy Manager, Nature Scot
    • Fiona Conti, Strategic Procurement Manager at Aberdeenshire, City and Highland Council Shared Procurement Service

4:00pm Meet the Buyer North 2021 Closes

Book Your Place

Remember to book your place at Meet the Buyer North 2021!

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