Police Scotland Bus Transport Framework Aligned Tender Training

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Aligned Tender Training - using PCS & PCS-T

Thursday 22 August 2024, 2:00-3:30pm

Partner Event

Police Scotland require local bus operators to meet the transportation of officers throughout Scotland (and where required, the rest of the UK). 

During this webinar, our SDP expert trainer will show you- as a bidder that is interested in this contract opportunity , how to register/ login to Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) and search for this contract notice. We will then follow the buyer instructions, to record an interest in this opportunity and access the tender documents within Public Contracts Scotland-tender (PCS-t). We will then spend time on the Single Procurement Document (SPD) and access all the Buyer attachments. Also explain how to use the Q&A functionality, which is the best way to communicate with the buyer during the tender process plus demonstrate how to upload attachments or supporting documents to PCS-tender.

How to prepare for this event 

You can attend the webinar from the comfort of your own desk – the joining instructions and Cisco WebEx link are contained within the confirmation email received at time of booking, and also within the reminder emails. To prepare, you can access SDP’s top tips on how to join a webinar, or alternatively please email info@sdpscotland.co.uk if you have any further questions about the joining process.

Please feel free to join the webinar a few minutes before the start time.

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