Talking Tenders with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

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Diversifying the NHS Supply Chain: Supplier Engagement Event

Thursday 26 May 2022, 2:00-3:30pm

Partner Event

As Scotland’s biggest health board and a significant contributor to the local economy, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a duty to ensure that its spending power brings greater benefits for all parts of local communities. NHSGGC has engaged with the Supplier Development Programme to support community wealth building initiatives by inviting local businesses in your existing networks to bid for public sector contracts and supply chain opportunities.

NHSGGC is progressing plans towards putting diversity at the core of their supply chains to include businesses led by, for, and with people with protected characteristics through a new, dedicated programme of free tender training webinars for businesses, social enterprises and supported businesses in partnership with the Supplier Development Programme, which can bring your business expert advice and support in all aspects of tendering.

Businesses - especially micro, small and medium sized businesses that may be owned or led by women, minority, disabled and LGBTQ+ individuals - are particularly encouraged to attend this free webinar, which is open to all. 

In return, you will gain useful knowledge, tips and hints on how to do business with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to supply your goods, works and services and fulfil upcoming requirements in future contracts.  You'll also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, and have them answered! 

Please note: the agenda is subject to change at any time.

How to prepare for this event

You can attend the webinar from the comfort of your own desk – the joining instructions and Cisco WebEx link are contained within the confirmation email received at time of booking, and also within the reminder emails. To prepare, you can access SDP's top tips on how to join a webinar, or alternatively please email if you have any further questions about the joining process.

Please feel free to join the webinar before the start time.

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