Wills Bros Civil Engineering Ltd
Maxim 3, Floor 1
Parklands Avenue
Thursday 6th December 2018 - 10:00 – 15:00
Sign up to attend the Wills Bros Civil Engineering Ltd Supplier Engagement Day for Greenhills Road/A726 Strathaven Road Corridor Improvements, East Kilbride.
With our Client, South Lanarkshire Council, we are inviting Contractors, Material and Plant suppliers to our Suppliers Engagement Day.
Work Categories required but not limited to:
Groundworks and Drainage Piling
Lime Stabilsation Fencing
Landscaping Plant Hire
Attenuation Street Lighting
Traffic Signage Vehicle Barrier Systems
Traffic Management Site Clearance
Culvert Lining
Civils Materials - e.g Kerbing, Drainage, Ducting, Aggregates, Concrete, etc
To register please click on the following link: