
New Construction Policy Note (CPN) - Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on construction contracts

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The Scottish Government’s objective for the construction sector during the COVID-19 pandemic is to help ensure that Scotland as a whole takes a responsible approach to the containment of COVID-19, while being in a position to respond to both critical and longer term recovery requirements. This will help ensure that the construction sector retains the capability and capacity necessary to effectively recommence work and deliver current and future construction projects.

The Scottish Government has issued a new Construction Policy Note (CPN) 1/2020, which complements Scottish Procurement Policy Notes 4/2020 and 5/2020 which were recently issued as a consequence of the current COVID-19 outbreak. This policy note should be read in conjunction with both of these.

Aimed at all those contracting authority staff involved in the planning and delivery of public works projects, this policy note is applicable guidance under the Scottish Public Finance Manual. These measures will be reviewed along with general procurement guidance noted above on 30 June 2020.

You can also read a Public Procurement blog on the Scottish Government website.

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