
Scottish Government announces only 2 months to go until Meet the Buyer 2023

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On the Public Procurement and Property blog, the Scottish Government counts down the last two months to go until the Meet the Buyer 2023 event on Wednesday, 17 May 2023. Take a look at these five reasons to attend Meet the Buyer 2023!

As SDP is puts the finishing touches on Meet the Buyer, which is officially supported by the Scottish Government, with headline partners Scotland Excel and UK Department for Transport, and headline sponsor Elcom, the Scottish Government lists good reasons to attend the Meet the Buyer event on 17 May at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre in its latest Public Procurement and Property guest blog post, contributed by Jennifer Payne, SDP Development Officer.

The Scottish Government names the Meet the Buyer event as the most effective method for Scottish businesses to:

  • build relationships with key buyers
  • learn about the latest contracts and tenders
  • gain fascinating insights into the supply chain for the public sector

Inspiration for your business

Find the answers to your questions, gather new ideas, observe the latest trends. Between exhibitors, sessions, networking, and speakers, you’ll find the inspiration you need to get “tender ready” for upcoming public sector contracts and business growth opportunities worth £14.5bn annually in Scotland – and even begin to plan your next bid!

Public sector networking

There’s no better place to expand your network! At Meet the Buyer, you can mingle with heads of procurement, leaders in economic development, primary contractors, experts in Net Zero, specialists that can provide business support, and more – all under the same roof.

Inclusive speakers

Diversity and inclusion are essential to getting the right solutions in place at the right time, with business skills and experience to deliver for Scotland. All of the exciting speakers at Meet the Buyer want to encourage wider participation from businesses of all sizes, and to further support SMEs and social enterprises in particular, to understand the potential contracts that will be tendered, how their supply chains work, and demystify the procurement process. You’ll be on the cutting edge of what’s coming up, and be able to ask your questions, too!

Ultimate pitching of your business innovations

No one moves as fast as the private sector in research and development, but what if it did? Does your business offer an innovative solution that the public sector could implement? Meet the Buyer is the ultimate chance to introduce hundreds of buyers to innovative and sustainable goods, works and services. You’ll gain insight on how bids can be shaped to include innovation, as well as how they are and will be evaluated from a procurement perspective, too.

Learn the lingo

More than just taglines, the Power of Procurement embodies several policy areas such as the five pillars of Community Wealth Building, Fair Work First, and climate change. On an unparalleled scale, Meet the Buyer definitively supports the improved capability of buyers, suppliers, and supply chains, and demonstrates just how open and connected public procurement is within Scotland. The theme for this year’s event is, “Open for Business,” and this is exactly what your business will get with public sector contracts – a chance to make a contribution to improve our economy, society and the environment.

Register for Meet the Buyer 2023 Now!

If your business can attend just one event this year, make it Meet the Buyer 2023!

All suppliers, especially micro, small and medium sized businesses and social enterprises, are eligible to attend for free and must register an account with SDP to book a place.

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