
Scottish Procurement Alliance: Upcoming Framework Opportunities Information Session

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The Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA), in partnership with Business Gateway, North Lanarkshire Council, South Lanarkshire Council and the Supplier Development Programme, is hosting a series of free information sessions regarding upcoming on 23, 25 and 30 May 2023, at the Scottish Procurement Alliance office in Livingston.

The first session, 10am-12pm on 23 May, is open to all SMEs in Scotland with an interest in applying for upcoming framework opportunities in Refurbishment and Maintenance, Fire Safety, and Energy Efficiency. This session will provide detailed information on the scope of the frameworks, teach you about the criteria and provide an opportunity to ask any important questions you may have.

In addition to this, SPA is offering a series of sessions, on 23 May from 1pm-4pm, and on the 25 and 30 May from 9am-12pm, which aim to equip SMEs with the necessary knowledge of procurement practices, insight into the documentation, the scoring mechanism and other crucial elements of the application process. The sessions will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to SPA
  • Upcoming Frameworks
  • Open Vs Restricted Procurement
  • Overview of the Suite of Tender Documents
  • Scoring Mechanism
  • Q&A

To learn more about the upcoming sessions and book your place, please visit the SPA Eventbrite page.

What is Framework?

Scottish SMEs can complete our free 2.3 Understanding and Bidding - Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) eLearning course. This course is designed to teach you what a framework is, the common features of a framework and why buyers use frameworks. All of our eLearning courses can be completed at a time and place convenient to you.

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