
#SupplierOpp with Zero Waste Scotland

Zero Waste Scotland

Zero Waste Scotland has published a Contract Notice on Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) for the provision of waste data solutions and an "options appraisal" for changes to local authority waste and recycling provisions.

Zero Waste Scotland requires the provision of analytical services to support the delivery of updated national waste, composition estimates of household waste and a programme of household waste composition analysis at the kerbside and at Household Waste Recycling Centres. The deadline for this contract is 17 April 2023.

Zero Waste Scotland also requires options appraisal support to model potential changes in Local Authority waste and recycling provision. The deadline for this contract is 28 April 2023.

Next Steps

To express your interest or obtain additional information on either of these opportunities, please visit the PCS-Tender website.

Support from the Supplier Development Programme

Need help planning a bid? The Supplier Development Programme is running a "1.4 Planning Your Bid – Time and Resources" training webinar on 12 April 2023 for Scottish SMEs, supported businesses and third sector organisations. SDP's expert trainer will walk you through the steps of planning and managing a bid, covering everything from capture planning, to forming a bid team and making key decisions. Book your free place now!

Alternatively, Scottish SMEs can access eLearning on demand, which will walk step-by-step through free modules that can help with bid writing. All you need to do is login to your approved SDP supplier account! (Don't have one? Register free!)

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