
Public Contracts Scotland - Notification of Public Contracts Scotland Downtime

Public Contracts Scotland will be unavailable on Friday 19 January from 18:00 and for a period of 24 hours, due to scheduled downtime.

Suppliers will NOT be able to submit postbox responses during that period. Please bear this in mind if you have a tender to submit via the Postbox facility in the coming weeks and are considering working on it during that weekend.

If there is a postbox expiring in the weeks following the downtime, buyers may choose to change the submission postbox deadline to ensure that all suppliers have the option to submit a response. If this is the case the buyer should, by way of best practice, add “additional information” to their notice/quick quote to let the suppliers know that it has been extended.

If you have any queries about a particular tender exercise, please contact the Buyer direct via the Q & A function (this is in further information section) for that opportunity at

We strongly recommend that you do not leave submission to the last moment. For more information on free courses that can help you bid better please visit: 

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