
New Secure Document Storage facility in Public Contracts Scotland.

Get Tender Ready

New functionality has been added to Public Contracts Scotland within the Supplier ESPD control panel, to allow suppliers to store the “means of proof” documents that are frequently requested by buyers as part of the public procurement process, and make them available to buyers within an ESPD (European Single Procurement Document) response.

Supplier Document Repository

Built into the ESPD module is the secure document storage facility, which is also integrated into the supplier’s ESPD response. Suppliers can upload documents through the ESPD Control Panel, and allow access to these documents to interested buyers when relevant.

Suppliers also have the option to mark a document as “Public”, allowing them to copy a link to their document for use on an external system, such as PCS-Tender.

What kind of documents will suppliers be able to store?

Typically, it will be evidence of a supplier’s capacity and capability that buyers ask for, either before the award of a public contract award, or after short listing. Examples could include copies of company accounts, insurance certificates, quality management and environmental management certificates or policies.

Can suppliers categorise their Documents?

Yes. Suppliers can link their documents to particular questions within the ESPD. For example [4B1a] General yearly turnover, suppliers could choose to upload their annual accounts.

Who is responsible for keeping any uploaded documents up to date?

It is up to the supplier to ensure that any documents they wish to use as evidence are up to date and relevant.

Does the Supplier Document Repository remind me when documents are out of date?

Yes. Suppliers are able to set reminders to let them know in advance that a document is due to expire and needs to be updated or replaced.

Is there a time limit for documents being held on the Supplier Document Repository?

Yes. To ensure that documents are not held unnecessarily on PCS for an indefinite period, any supplier that does not maintain its annual PCS registration will, after a 60 day grace period, have any stored documents archived and ultimately, deleted.

Will it be mandatory for suppliers to store their evidence in the Supplier Document Repository?

No, it will be entirely optional, however there’s a clear benefit to suppliers in doing so, as they will only need to upload a document once in order to make it available to many buyers and use in multiple tenders.

How will buyers gain access to the supplier’s documents?

When a supplier responds to an ESPD request issued by a buyer, then the supplier will be able to state that the information is available electronically. They can then evidence this by either linking to the document they have uploaded in the Repository or by providing a url (link) to where the document can be accessed within their response.

For full details on how to use the new Supplier Document Repository please visit the updated ESPD user guides available in the Help and Support area of PCS:

The Supplier Development Programme, provides a full range of courses on how to tender and bib better. These include “Using PCS and Other Portals” please visit our events diary to see when the next course is available.

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